Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tooth Fairy!

Luke lost three teeth last week.  The two lower central incisors and one lower lateral incisor.


After the first lost tooth

The final incisor

After all teeth have been pulled.

Luke took my new camera for a test run one day.  He wasn't happy when Terra took over the photography.  ;)

Here it comes...

Getting the pouty face...


What a cutie pie Terra is!  <3

Where is Autumn in all of this?  Playing with my debit card, at Red Lobster.  ;)  She was having so much fun visiting, she wanted to pick up the bill.  With my card. HAHA!  Love that little girl.

This evening I took pictures of the chicks.  The kids insisted on helping, so here they are.  Luke is pictured with the Buff Orpington, and Terra is sitting by the Olive Egger.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Luke's Snow Owl Pecker

We have been having so much fun, we just can't contain it any more.  :)  Over the weekend, we visited my parents', and Luke got to spend a night with his Nana Dee.  Autumn is almost walking, and she has learned to hold her bottle with her feet so her hands are still free to grab other random objects.  Luke is doing well in school, and was awarded "Most Improved" at the last awards assembly.  Tomorrow is the next Parent/Teacher conference, so I'll be able to get to the bottom of a few things.  
We found out Autumn loves to rock out to some music I used to listen to, like Disturbed, AC/DC, and Korn.  Rock out, girl.  Rock out.
Terra has been moving to her own beat and saying random things like, "Somebody's a wit-two jewous." 

 Terry insisted he was not going to give me a smile.

 The kids didn't want to cooperate with me either.

Yesterday at the bus stop I was playing with my new camera.  Luke wanted to take a picture of me, so I let him.

When Luke came home from school, he showed me a snow owl he made in school.  He said, "I think I'm going to name it Pecker."  So here is Luke and his Pecker.